About Medicare
Can’t Locate Your Medicare Number? Find it Online!

There may be times when you need your Medicare number right away and can’t seem to find it. The good news is that you can find your Medicare number and other helpful information online. Here’s how.
Your Medicare card is used to file claims, enroll in new coverage, and verify existing coverage at the doctor’s office. Not having this information when you need it is not only frustrating but can delay your ability to do these things.
The easiest way to recover your Medicare number is through your My Social Security Account (ssa.gov) or through your My Medicare Account (medicare.gov).
Here’s how to find your Medicare information:
Using your Social Security account
1. Login at ssa.gov and click on “Your Benefit Verification Letter”, which is located on your main account dashboard.
2. You can then click on the Adobe PDF file to view, download or print this letter.
3. Under “Medicare Information” you will see your Medicare number and Part A/B entitlement dates. This letter can also serve as proof of coverage if you are waiting for a replacement card.
Using your Medicare account
- Login at medicare.gov and select “Get my Medicare Card” in the section labeled What do you want to do?
- Re-enter your password to access your card.
- An image of your card will now appear. You can download or print your card by selecting the “Print Medicare Card” button. If you need a replacement card, select “Order Medicare Card”.
NOTE: In order to access your My Medicare Account, you must have previously registered with your Medicare number. If you have not done that, log in through Social Security to find your Medicare information.
When you have Medicare questions, AMAC’s Medicare Advisory Service has the answers! Let us know in the comments how we can help you. If you prefer to speak with a live person, our US-based agents are ready to take your call!
Contact AMAC’s Medicare Advisory Service at 1-855-611-4856.