Fighting Cancer with the Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation

According to the American Cancer Society, 21.4 million people will be diagnosed with cancer by year 2030. It’s safe to say that everyone knows at least one person who has been affected by the disease, which can be devastating to say the least. Whether it is you or a loved one who has been diagnosed, you may wonder where to start when it comes to treatment.
If you are on Original Medicare, there are certain oncology treatments, supplies, and prescriptions that may be covered. Copayments, coinsurance, or deductibles may apply for each service, and for some services, you must meet certain conditions. If you have additional coverage like a Medicare Advantage Plan, Prescription Drug Plan, or a Medicare Supplement, there may be different rules and costs for receiving care. Be sure to consult with your plan carrier to see what costs you will be responsible for.
Although many traditional treatments are covered, they can be painful, time-consuming and the aftereffects devastating. Undergoing chemotherapy is an arduous experience, but it shouldn’t be. AMAC spokesperson, Olympic Gold Medalist, and cancer survivor Scott Hamilton founded the Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation in 2014. CARES stands for Cancer Alliance for Research Education and Survivorship, and this is precisely what they strive to accomplish. By funding innovative research to accelerate the advancement of less toxic treatments for isolated cancers and tumors, they hope to uncover treatments with less harmful side effects, and one day eliminate the threat of cancer completely.
“I see a day where everyone survives cancer. A day when no one suffers their way through their treatments. A day cancer does no harm. Our body holds the keys to surviving this insidious disease, and only through the research we are funding that we can unlock the keys to a much brighter future – a future celebrating survivors.”
—Scott Hamilton
Ground-breaking research is being conducted every day with the support of those dedicated to meeting these goals. AMAC and the Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation have pledged to stand up to cancer. If you would like to make a gift to fund the research that will create new treatments to diminish the side effects and suffering from traditional cancer treatment and bring hope to individuals diagnosed with cancer, visit https://www.scottcares.org/ways-to-give. Together we can help ease the effects of cancer!
For help with Medicare plans – or any questions you may have about Medicare – contact AMAC’s Medicare Advisory Service at 1-855-611-4856 or request a quote below!