Enrollment Periods
Should I Pay Attention to All the Advertisements I See During Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period?

Right now, it seems like every TV commercial is someone telling you how great their coverage is and inviting you to call them to check your zip code. Since the Annual Enrollment Period is here, these advertisements have become a nuisance… what’s even worse is when they call you!
Although it is important to review your plan each year, that does not require you to respond to marketing advertisements and solicitations.
Here are a few tips to help you deal with marketing advertisements and solicitations during this time:
- Using a Medicare advisor is always best. These are licensed insurance agents who have a fiduciary responsibility to provide accurate unbiased information.
- If you get help making your healthcare decisions from a family member or power of attorney, be sure that person is there with you for each conversation you have about health coverage.
- When comparing plan options, be sure you are prepared to compare your current coverage. Know your current plan’s premium, deductibles, copays, as well as your doctor’s name and location.
- Protect yourself from telephone scams. Most Medicare sales agents are not allowed to call you unless you have requested a call. If you receive a call from someone who is pressuring you to divulge personal information, hang up immediately.
- Always remember that Medicare and Social Security will not call you unless you asked for help with an issue.
- Be sure to do a comprehensive plan analysis before you change your coverage. Sure, that plan on the TV sounds great, but what will you be losing in order to get it? Some people have coverage that they cannot get back once they disenroll, that’s why it is important to thoroughly weigh out your options before you jump ship.
While we are all being inundated with marketing and advertisements, we don’t expect it to go away any time soon. Your best bet? Call a trusted AMAC Medicare advisor to help you through the process during the Annual Enrollment Period which ends December 7th.
For help with Medicare plans – or any questions you may have about Medicare – contact AMAC’s Medicare Advisory Service at 1-855-611-4856 or request a quote below!